Edit Terrain & The Wandering Destructive

Please be aware of all settings on your land at all times.

EDIT TERRAIN in the About Land - Options screen allows anyone in Second Life to edit your terrain. There are moments where it is tempting and potentially useful to check this box to allow someone else to help edit the terrain on your parcel or homestead region.

There is an element of second life citizenry that look for such openings and use them to their fullest and most destructive application. In other words, if you leave this on, someone is going to come and make a mountain or sinkhole or drastic combination of both of your property.

In the event of drastic changes in height that bury your objects, this WILL force the auto return of your objects, with the due risk of some items not returning properly. We know how SL can be about such things.

If you do need to use this feature, please be very careful to uncheck it again as soon as possible.

Happy Terraforming!
Miss Serra

What's in the purse and why.

Cell Phone: Not sure really, my mother is the only person to call me. Everyone else emails.

Garage Door Opener: Gotta put the baby to bed every night

Notebook and Pen: In case I ever get around to writing down my ideas

Mascara and Lip-gloss: Can't leave the house without mascara on... ever! I tend to apply it while driving.

Keys: house, work, cars, friends houses.

Pink Mini Leatherman and Victorinox Swiss Card: Christmas gifts... xoxoxo <3

Passport: My Drivers License is expired

Debit and Credit Cards: I never carry cash. Cash = fast food stops = HUGE no no

Meds: Well you know... Doctor says I have to take them.