News News and more News!

Where to begin?

Oh yes, I remember now, I’ve lost my mind!!

First bit of news - Some of you might have noticed you have some extra water out your back door. On September 8th I plopped down a scary amount of lindens and bought a used sim, I immediately converted it into a set of what is called open or void sims.

To make a void Linden Lab takes one normal sim and cuts it up into four sims. Void sims have one really great advantage, they allow for LOTS of open land or water, creating nice views and breathing space and privacy from your neighbors.

But they have drawbacks too. Voids only have 1800 prims for the entire sim. They tend to have quirks, sometimes things take longer to rez when you take them out of your inventory, and sometimes they seem a bit slower running than other sims and lastly… they don’t have as much processing power to run tons of scripts.

In addition to the inherent drawbacks, my void sims have some extra conditions for sale. They must be left open to the public for sailing and the land cannot be changed dramatically after the buyer and I agree on the end terraforming, and like the other Winterfell sims it will need to stay night.

In case anyone is interested, there is one last void sim is for sale, buy price is $60,000L and tier is $10,500L a month.

Second bit of news – Winterfell will be 1 year old at the end of October and I am going to have a birthday party to celebrate. Sadly the official Winterfell DJ can not be here for it so I need a DJ. A DJ who is willing to get a bunch of music I am wanting played; it's a strange mix of music, I will admit. I had considered playing DJ that night, but I will be dealing with all kinds of other issues that night that I don't think it would be a good night to make my debut. If any of you know a DJ who would be willing to work with and around my needs, please send them my way.

Third bit of news – Some of you may have heard of a place called Caledon. It's located just south of Winterfell and is owned by Guvnah Desmond Shang, a very long time and good friend of mine. I consider Caledon my home town… if there is such a thing in SL.

In the nearish future, Winterfell and Caledon will be linked by void sims… completing a dream of mine. The dream of being able to sailfrom my heart and home (Winterfell) to the place I cherish like a sister (Caledon).

I want to reassure you all that Winterfell's medieval theme and twilight will remain in tact. I have zero intention of changing a thing. Changing Winterfell would be like ripping my own heart out and tossing it into the sea.

I have some ideas rolling around in my head and if the opportunity comes I will put them off the other side of the void sims. And if I do make more islands of other themes, they will be gothic/night friendly.

Final bit of news - There is a new covenant posted on the about land page, I have added some notes about the void sims.

I hope you all enjoy where my insanity will take us… I know I have always liked the ride!
With much love and respect and always yours,
Miss Serra Anasi Seneschal of Winterfell

PS – Any ideas of what my title should be? I gave myself the title of Seneschal when Winterfell was simply my home and not a growing country. Seems like a change might be in order? IM or email me your ideas.


Noelyci said...

Empress Serra for the Win!


Michael Röhm said...

Yay for Winterfell/Caledon connection! I foresee sailing in my future!

Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

[sends messenger to Herr Boris Dolokov, gets quick response]

Might I suggest, reflecting the Nordic blood you mention elsewhere, Landgrevinna or Wildgrevinna? A Landgraf ruled over rural regions; a Wildgraf over forested areas or, obviously, wilderness. These seem to suit the nature of Winterfell best, although there are other variants possible.

I have used the Swedish feminine form here, but the Old Norse is 'Greifynja' and the Icelandic is 'Greifafru'. German would be 'Grafin'.

Of course, you may wish to use a more elevated title....


Klaus Wulfenbach, Baron
Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach
Kittiwick Town & Steelhead City