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Tag you're it!
I have been tagged, TWICE... dirty rotten scoundrels!
Okay so the rules are as follows...
(1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
(4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
(5) New rule added by Serra: If you get tagged and dont have a blog, post your list as a comment.
1) Favorite color is pink, then black.
2) I can't stand dairy products, but favorite food is ice cream. Grasshopper Fudge.
3) I am the oldest child, my father was the oldest child of his family, and his mother was the oldest child of her family, whose mother was the oldest child of her family.
4) When I dream, the main feature is the building the dream is taking place in, and there is always a building.
5) I am completely and totally addicted to Diet Mt. Dew
6) I am not an elf girl in RL, but my RL best friend is… really
7)I read about 330 words a minute
8) I actually like washing windows.
And now for my tags, if you dont have a blog, you can post your facts here as a comment, so you have no excuse not to make a list!
And even if you do have a blog, you should post your answers here as a comment. (yes its a new rule, and yes its kinda cheeting... but I don't have 8 friends with blogs)
Julie, Azazeal, Wildstar, Andrion, Andreas, Desmond, Rilan, Naga
Your Invited...
Seneschal of Winterfell
Miss Serra Anansi
The Duchess of Caledon Carntaigh
Miss Gabrielle Riel
cordially invite you on behalf of both their nations
to the Winterfell-Caledon Winter's Solstice Ball
Saturday, December 15
2:00pm - 5:00pm SLT
Winterfell Palace, Winterfell
Formal, Diplomatic or Military Attire