Seneschal of Winterfell
Miss Serra Anansi
The Duchess of Caledon Carntaigh
Miss Gabrielle Riel
cordially invite you on behalf of both their nations
to the Winterfell-Caledon Winter's Solstice Ball
Saturday, December 15
2:00pm - 5:00pm SLT
Winterfell Palace, Winterfell
Formal, Diplomatic or Military Attire
Fraulein Serra,
I look forward to the Solstice Ball; Winterfell adds a special atmosphere to events that will make it most special.
In the meantime, however, I would tag you for the game making the rounds of journals in the past day or so.
Klaus Wulfenbach
*screams in defeated agony*
noooooooo... tagged twice in one day... oh the humanity!
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