Being that most thirteenths will fall on a weekday and not a weekend, and I have limited hours on week nights, I have decided that the party will be at 6pm SLT on the thirteenths that fall on weekdays.
On the days that the thirteenth falls on a weekend, I will do everything in my power to have the party at a time when the residents who live in non north american time zones are more likely to be able to attend.
On the oh so groovy days that the thirteenth falls on a Friday, I will be sure to set up something super extra special!
And to commemorate my finally sitting down to figure out a set schedule for this event, I wrote a poem!! LOL, it's not very good... but I had fun writing it!
Much love,
Miss Serra

be sure to tell Miss Brandy that we have another poet for the readings :)
in case anyone cant read that itty bitty font...
That time again
to bring a friend
to the green house of wormwood brew.
Fairies they tease
but only to please
and lighten your spirit anew.
Laughter and tunes,
blushes and swoons,
please bring a confession or two.
Oh, don't be shy,
please do stop by,
it won't be the same with out you!
hahaha, you are one funny man!!
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