Starting tomorrow night at around 8pm SLT I will start returning the old shops, taking what I can of the build into my inventory and doing the first round of terraforming in preparation for the new build to be moved down.
I figure that will take about an hour to two hours (with the normal interruptions that SL and RL provide), after that I will cross my fingers and carefully lower the new building down into place and do another round of terraforming. It shouldn’t be too hard; I have it linked up into about 8 pieces… OH, maybe I will rezfoo it tonight!! Great idea Serra… LOL!!
If I can get the new build into a rezfoo tonight, the instillation shouldn’t take long at all, hour tops with the extra tweaking of the land. Then I will bring all the merchants shops down that I can and IM the ones I can’t or don’t have a new shop set up. Hopefully there are a good number of merchants online and I won’t have to get nasty about getting set up in time for the opening party on Saturday.
Then comes the art and furniture and then finally I will move down the trees and install the secret, which will take a good deal of terraforming, but hopefully if I do it right throughout the process of getting things down from 650, it wont be much work at all.
I will be doing things slowly and carefully, but I hope I am over estimating the time it will take to move everything down. I would like to spend the rest of the night and following morning shopping and building some more furniture… and setting up my own store. Yes, you read right! I will have a store in my own sim FINALLY! Took me long enough don’t you think?
Feel free to come and gawk at me while I do the move!
Much love and kisses!
Miss Serra

nice plan !
I look forward to see you wonderful work in place :)
Miss Serra,
I do not think I have had opportunity to tell you in person what a beautiful build you've made in Taur en Lor. It makes me hope you never completely abandon your retail business so some fragment of these wonders may be shared with others.
Klaus Wulfenbach
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