Three events this Saturday in Taure En Lor

This Saturdays events in Winterfell!

First is the Practical Tarot group meeting
A group meets every Saturday at 8am SLT to discuss various Tarot related subjects.
Saturday September 27th 8am - 10am SLT
North East Corner of Taure En Lor - Red Tent

Second is the second installment of the "His Dark Materials" book discussion:
Winterfell Book Discussion - His Dark Materials - The Subtle Knife
Saturday September 27th 12pm - 2pm SLT
Winterfell Library

Finally is the monthly WinterDance:
Semi-formal WinterDance for the residents and friends of Winterfell
Saturday September 27th 2pm - 4pm SLT
Winterfell Taure En Lor Ballroom