Mr Beaumont, Please wont you just leave me alone?

I received a note from Mr Beaumont today in my NING mailbox:

On September 19, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Wilberforce (Wil) Beaumont wrote:

I see no reason to carry on this issue. I suspect if we really think about it we both said and did things we would not in a calm world and without RL pressures and stress have said and done.

However what say been said and done is said and done. What we now need to do it put it to rights, do what needs to be done to make things right amd to get on with enjoying SL as a break, a release, a contac with the outside works.

So please Serra can we discuss a solution to this apparent impasse?


My Response:

Hello Mr Beaumont,

As I said in Second Life, you and I have nothing to discuss any longer. I see no impasse, I do know what I said and I stand by it. I am sorry you haven't been enjoying your time in Second Life, I am not sure what you expect me to do to change your experiences there, you and only you have control over that.

I am doing what I need to do to ensure that my time in Second Life is enjoyable, I asked you to please not contact me again. That includes here in the Winterfell NING, in Second Life by your alts, Email or through our mutual friends and acquaintances to contact me on your behalf. I don’t think it is fair to them and shows very little respect on your part for their relationship with them and my request to not be contacted by you.

I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.

Be well,
Miss Serra.

The reason for me not editing his name in this post is because he insists on contacting me after repeated requests to stop. I hope he will take heed now that he knows I will not be protecting his name. Mr Beaumont, PLEASE just leave me alone?


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Aha. Having missed the specifics of this earlier, I understand more completely now. Noted and advised.