It is no secret how much I love jackets ... some might say it boarders on being a fetish, yes?

You can get yours at [CIVVIES] @ Kyoot Army HQ

Ivalde Victorian Bustle Gown

I am not a huge fan of Victorian dresses (Victorian jackets yes, dresses no), but this one for sure appeals to my aesthetic. Rich colors, subtle fabrics, a bit of lace, a touch of velvet, and a heap of oo la la! You can get yours (or treat your favorite lady) at the Ivalde main store in Second Life.

Tag you're it!

I have been tagged, TWICE... dirty rotten scoundrels!

Okay so the rules are as follows...

(1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.

(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

(4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

(5) New rule added by Serra: If you get tagged and dont have a blog, post your list as a comment.

Simple, right? Here are my facts:

1) Favorite color is pink, then black.

2) I can't stand dairy products, but favorite food is ice cream. Grasshopper Fudge.

3) I am the oldest child, my father was the oldest child of his family, and his mother was the oldest child of her family, whose mother was the oldest child of her family.

4) When I dream, the main feature is the building the dream is taking place in, and there is always a building.

5) I am completely and totally addicted to Diet Mt. Dew

6) I am not an elf girl in RL, but my RL best friend is… really

7)I read about 330 words a minute

8) I actually like washing windows.

And now for my tags, if you dont have a blog, you can post your facts here as a comment, so you have no excuse not to make a list!

And even if you do have a blog, you should post your answers here as a comment. (yes its a new rule, and yes its kinda cheeting... but I don't have 8 friends with blogs)

Julie, Azazeal, Wildstar, Andrion, Andreas, Desmond, Rilan, Naga

Your Invited...

Seneschal of Winterfell
Miss Serra Anansi


The Duchess of Caledon Carntaigh
Miss Gabrielle Riel

cordially invite you on behalf of both their nations
to the Winterfell-Caledon Winter's Solstice Ball

Saturday, December 15
2:00pm - 5:00pm SLT
Winterfell Palace, Winterfell

Formal, Diplomatic or Military Attire

Winterfell Newsletter - November 2007

As you all know I have been a bit crazy insane busy the last few weeks, so I thought a quick run down of what has been happening and what is coming up for Winterfell would be helpful.

In October, Winterfell was featured in the Second Life magazine Prim Perfect. It was an honor to be recognized by such a well known publication. You can read all the articles here.

Also in October the dark Victorian themed sim of Winterfell Absinthe was delivered. I added this themed sim to act as the gateway to the amazingly popular and respected Victorian/Steampunk nation of Caledon. Early next year Winterfell and Caledon will share an ocean link and we will be able to either sail or take a ferry between our two fine nations. I can not begin to tell you how excited I am about this link, it has been a long time dream of mine to share a boarder with my dear and long time friend Desmond Shangs nation.

In the next week or so another set of void sims will be delivered, and next month I will be ordering Winterfell Laudanum (another dark Victorian sim). When Laudanum is delivered, Winterfell land holdings will be 983,040 square meters. WOW!!

Which brings me to my current project: I have regained the 8192 meters of land north of the village, to re create Winterfell Castle. To facilitate the new build the north wall of the village will need to be taken out so the castle opens up into the village. This has the potential to be another semi painful expansion. I need to ask for some help with the following:

- Merchants who have larger shops and are willing to move into smaller locations with the same prim allowances

- Merchants who are willing to move to a second floor location.

- Tent merchants will be moved to proper shops

- And finally, something that I don’t want, but if there happens to be any merchants who would like to leave the village, I can offer a refund on remaining rent.

When the castle is finished there will be the following areas:

- Club 13 (looking for a better name, if anyone has ideas. Does not need to have 13 in the name.)

- Community meeting hall

- Space for the upcoming Winterfell Library

- Shop space in the base of the castle to help replace shops lost by the expansion

- Formal open gardens and gazing pool in the middle of the village

- My personal residence.

In addition to all the physical changes in the village, I will be working at making the village a proper “capital” for Winterfell. Silverdrake Sparrow has started the community projects by setting up a group Flickr account, you can see it here. Anyone looking for a place to hold regular meetings, group events, civic services will have my full and enthusiastic support.

That’s it for now. Please IM or email me if you are able to help me with the village expansion, or if you have ideas on how to get it all to work.

Much love,

Miss Serra

Winterfell Flickr Album...

Late last week Silverdrake asked me if I would support a Flickr Album, and I said "Hell yeah!!" So here it is and I have to say that I am stunned with the images. I have always been a pretty hard core Second Life supporter... but now with the spectacular addition Windlight, I think I am officially a fangirl.

In the past year I have been so happy with what everyone has done with Winterfell. And now to see these photographs I am moved beyond words. Everyone has taken my vision (the very essence of my heart to be honest) and embellished, nurtured and sent it soaring past my wildest dreams!

To say that I am proud of you all for making Winterfell as beautiful as it is, would be an understatement of enormous proportion.

I love you all!!

Miss Serra

go now... go quickly... post more photos!!!

November 9th, Land Updates

Good Evening Denizens of Winterfell –

A wee update on the land situation in Winterfell: as of this morning there are two 1024 and seven 512 double prim plots available on Winterfell Absinthe. These are town plots and can be used for commercial or residential. I invite any of you to come take a look around, this new sim is slightly different than the other islands of Winterfell, as it is not medieval themed. Absinthe, as you might guess from the name, is themed Dark Victorian… rolling fog spills off the docks and through the cobble stone streets.

512m double prim plots cost $6,144L with a monthly tier of $2,000L

1024m double prim plots cost $12,288L with a monthly tier of $4,000L

I am also taking preorders for 4 new void sims, these are like the void sims located between the south east corner of the original Winterfell islands and the new Absinthe island, but will be located off the north east corner of Winterfell. The price is at a premium, but I think its well worth it. An entire sim to your self with the occasional boat sailing through, your own kingdom!

1,800 prims

65,536 meters

$115,000 price

$20,000 month tier

AND you can pick the name, within reason and subject to negotiation.

Please contact me for information on either of the land offerings listed above.

Much love,

Miss Serra

Winterfell featuerd in Prim Perfect Magazine...

I wanted to thank you all for answering the interview questions for the Prim Perfect article. Your kind words have made me so incredibly proud of all I have done with Winterfell. I truly do love you all, thank you for helping me make Winterfell what it is today.

You can read the article here if you like... http://www.primperfect.net/

Thank you again! xoxo

Winterfell Absinthe

For many years I was actively playing White Wolf's Vampire the Masquerade (role play game for those who don't know), but when I found the internet the RP world slipped from my realm of interests. I still loved the gothic vampire genre. So here it is… my nod to the good old days of vampire, werewolf, slippery slimy, oogley-boogaly, shadows stalking, undead walking, things that go bump in the night role-play days.

Winterfell Absinthe is set just as the sun goes down and the night stretches its arms across the land, dancing its fingers through rolling fog and over cobblestone streets looking for it’s next play thing.

Commercial residential land is available.


To celebrate Winterfell’s one-year anniversary, I am offering three free months of tier to new residents who buy land in Winterfell in the month of October.

Conditions apply:

Land must be land that I (Serra Anansi) am selling not land that other residents are selling
Free tier is not transferable to other residents.
After the three-month period you will be responsible for normal tier payments.
All other Covenant rules apply.
Offer expires October 31st 2007

Please IM or email me with any questions,
Serra Anansi
serra.anansi (at) gmail.com

Please visit Winterfell and view land for sale on the SL map (make sure you have the land for sale box checked)

Click to see larger image

Out of Town...

I will be out of town from the evening of Friday September 28th through the evening of Monday October 1st. I will be able to check my email once a day. If you need to get a message to me please send an email, I am most sure that my IM's will cap mid Saturday. If you have an emergency please IM Charlene Trudeau or Julian Paster.

Have a great weekend!

Much Love,
Miss Serra

News News and more News!

Where to begin?

Oh yes, I remember now, I’ve lost my mind!!

First bit of news - Some of you might have noticed you have some extra water out your back door. On September 8th I plopped down a scary amount of lindens and bought a used sim, I immediately converted it into a set of what is called open or void sims.

To make a void Linden Lab takes one normal sim and cuts it up into four sims. Void sims have one really great advantage, they allow for LOTS of open land or water, creating nice views and breathing space and privacy from your neighbors.

But they have drawbacks too. Voids only have 1800 prims for the entire sim. They tend to have quirks, sometimes things take longer to rez when you take them out of your inventory, and sometimes they seem a bit slower running than other sims and lastly… they don’t have as much processing power to run tons of scripts.

In addition to the inherent drawbacks, my void sims have some extra conditions for sale. They must be left open to the public for sailing and the land cannot be changed dramatically after the buyer and I agree on the end terraforming, and like the other Winterfell sims it will need to stay night.

In case anyone is interested, there is one last void sim is for sale, buy price is $60,000L and tier is $10,500L a month.

Second bit of news – Winterfell will be 1 year old at the end of October and I am going to have a birthday party to celebrate. Sadly the official Winterfell DJ can not be here for it so I need a DJ. A DJ who is willing to get a bunch of music I am wanting played; it's a strange mix of music, I will admit. I had considered playing DJ that night, but I will be dealing with all kinds of other issues that night that I don't think it would be a good night to make my debut. If any of you know a DJ who would be willing to work with and around my needs, please send them my way.

Third bit of news – Some of you may have heard of a place called Caledon. It's located just south of Winterfell and is owned by Guvnah Desmond Shang, a very long time and good friend of mine. I consider Caledon my home town… if there is such a thing in SL.

In the nearish future, Winterfell and Caledon will be linked by void sims… completing a dream of mine. The dream of being able to sailfrom my heart and home (Winterfell) to the place I cherish like a sister (Caledon).

I want to reassure you all that Winterfell's medieval theme and twilight will remain in tact. I have zero intention of changing a thing. Changing Winterfell would be like ripping my own heart out and tossing it into the sea.

I have some ideas rolling around in my head and if the opportunity comes I will put them off the other side of the void sims. And if I do make more islands of other themes, they will be gothic/night friendly.

Final bit of news - There is a new covenant posted on the about land page, I have added some notes about the void sims.

I hope you all enjoy where my insanity will take us… I know I have always liked the ride!
With much love and respect and always yours,
Miss Serra Anasi Seneschal of Winterfell

PS – Any ideas of what my title should be? I gave myself the title of Seneschal when Winterfell was simply my home and not a growing country. Seems like a change might be in order? IM or email me your ideas.

Cobblestone Cottage

120 prims - 17 removable prims - Lower dividing wall and upstairs pillow insert.
Locking Doors: simply touch the doors for 3 seconds for menu.
TP to semi secret upper room - right click the fireplace floors.
Footprint is approximately 20x20 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Easy RezFoo set up.

Collecting Blog Links

If you have a blog and would like to be linked to from this blog... send me your link and I will add it.

Ebonshire Joins Winterfell

Winterfell Ebonshire will be the height of my vision for Winterfell… a charming rural sim with deep dark forests, rich earth and moon kissed shores.

I will be utilizing double prim plots, what this means smaller plots with twice the prim allowance (A 1024 lot will have 468 prims, for example, rather than the normal 234 prims.) All sims have 15,000 prims, regardless of double prim setting. By creating smaller double prim plots there will be plenty of land between plots to make way for beautiful landscaping between each plot. There will be softly rolling hills, small lakes and rivers, a small ruin here and there. Unique zoneing rules will allow for building up to the property line, you you are able to use each meter to its fullest.

This island will be the gem of Winterfell, providing the height of privacy with an abundance of charm and character.

Purchase price: $12 per m2

1024 lot: $16,000
2048 lot: $32,000


1024 lot: $15 USD per month –or- $1,000L per week
2048 lot: $30 USD per month –or- $2000L per week

Please note that both purchase pricing and Tier is based on the prims allowed per parcel and are therefore double the rates charged for standard prim allotment. In the end, it’s the prims we pay for, not the land.

I am very excited about this new island; I hope you all are as well! Please contact me with any questions or to request a private showing.

Little Ghost

21 prims
Footprint is 12.5x10 meters
Locking Doors, simply click and hold down your button for 4 seconds
Privacy Windows, simply touch the wooden panel next to the door
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement


14 prims
Footprint is 15x10 meters
Locking Doors, simply click and hold down your button for 4 seconds
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement

Would you be willing to pay more tier for a class 5 island?

When I first started Winterfell all the servers that ran private islands were class 4's. Please don't ask me for particulars on what that means, I have no idea. As the popularity of private island grew, Linden Labs made a change in the type of server they used.

So half way through Winterfell's growth I started to have to pay for class 5 servers, which is why there are two islands with one price structure for tier and the other two have another price structure.

Class 5 servers experience much less lag than class 4 servers.

Soon Class 5 servers will have an additional benefit... only class 5 servers will be able to have voice enabled when that feature is rolled out.

SO my question is this...

Are you willing to pay more tier - 1000L a month for 4096m plots and 500L a month for 2048m plots - to have less laggy AND voice enabled land?


Noir Keep

52 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Spiral Staircase
Footprint is approximately 20x25 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Easy RezFoo Set Up



My video card fried last night, so I will unavailable in Second Life until the card is replaced. I am figuring that it will be complete by Thursday evening, tho I am crossing my fingers that it will be done tomorrow night.

Please send all customer service emails to serra DOT anansi AT gmail DOT com, I will do everything I can to help you remotely.

Thank you for your patience,

Littlest Castle Light


18 prims

Footprint is approximately 15x15 meters

Copy, Mod, No Transfer

Simple one drop placement

Littlest Castle Dark


18 prims

Footprint is approximately 15x15 meters

Copy, Mod, No Transfer

Simple one drop placement

Cobblers Cottage Extra Large

44 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Footprint is approximately 20x20 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement

Cobblers Cottage Large

29 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Footprint is approximately 20x20 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement

Cobblers Cottage Medium

18 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Footprint is approximately 10x20 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement

Cobblers Cottage Small

14 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Footprint is approximately 10x10 meters
Copy, Mod, No Transfer
Simple one drop placement


69 prims
Privacy Windows
Locking Doors
Footprint is approximately 20x20 meters
Easy RezFoo Set Up

Ivy Cottage


107 prims

Privacy Windows

Lockable Doors

Footprint is approximately 30x25 meters

Copy, Mod, No Transfer

Easy RezFoo Set Up



107 prims

Privacy Windows

Lockable Doors

Footprint is approximately 20x20 meters

Copy, Mod, No Transfer

Easy RezFoo Set Up