You're Invited!! - December 14th -Winterfell Library Book Discussion

Nation, by Terry Prachett
Come join us at the Winterfell Library, at 12 Noon, Sunday the 14th December, 2008 to discuss this interesting new book!

From the author widely known for his Discworld series, Nation is something new and stands alone in it's own universe. A non-Discworld novel that Terry said he felt he had to write over the last few years. Such a departure from the expected continuation of the Discworld related "Tiffany Aching" series has already caused some serious deliberation and discussion about the book without even looking at its content.

Opinions seem very polarized, and I feel that those familiar with Pratchett's works will have a lot to say about how it differs from the usual. However the book, while written in a Pratchett style is something apart, and has a timeless depth to it. Those who have never read a Pratchett book before will really enjoy this one, and need no introduction to any of his other work beforehand, and be able to add some great insights into his writing from a fresh perspective.

The book starts out in the Pelagic Ocean Islands and follows the course of a young Islander boy, a young English lady of noble birth and their attempt to cope with the devastating effects of the tidal wave that brings them together. As the survivors come together on the island, a great many questions arise, and not just about where the next meal is coming from. Many of the people wonder why the gods allowed this to happen, and there is a real depth to the questions that Pratchett's characters ask in this book as they seek to rebuild a Nation.

Come join us at the Winterfell Library, at 12 Noon, Sunday the 14th December, 2008 to discuss this interesting new book!



Uni took many long hours of figuring these trees out, they are two prims each and have amazing textures that change when you (the owner) touch them. There are 5 sizes, seven seasonal leaf/branch textures and five seasonal bark textures... Did I mention they are COPY?

1000L for the pack, you will get a 250L refund if you are a Winterfell resident, make sure you wear your tag! You can find them here!

Comes with a bonus unscripted "Ray of sunlight" to further accentuate your trees.

The pack is set to No MOD due to the use of mega prims for sizes. this
is so you as the owner does not inadvertently resize and break a tree. If you have a specific size you would like, please IM Uni Ninetails and she will make you a specific size for a small fee. Tho I can't imagine needing a custom, the sizes included in the pack are really versatile.


Wow, it's Thanksgiving again? Already?

Well gosh then its time to give thanks to all of you who have held my hand when I was sad, giggled at me when I was being a goof, stood up for me when I was the victim, cheered for me when I was successful and rooted me on when I was ready to quit.

It’s been a wacky year, which I will recap in my New Years post…. But for today, I want to thank you all for sharing your second life with me!!

Much Love,
Miss Serra

Bloodlines Sanguinus - Delivered

Bloodlines Sanguinus has finally been delivered and is in the final stages of set up.

I have to cut a few more plots, set up the tier meter and set up the shop meters.

I believe I will have this done tonight, if I don't get hammered with IM's or emergancies. *crosses fingers*

Much love!
Miss Serra

Seriously, how can anyone keep up?

I was glancing at the BareRose site found myself wondering "how in the hell does anyone keep up with this level of output?"

I counted at least 10 new outfits I want... boy is it a good thing that she doesn't have a way to shop her things while I am at work. Bad things would happen.

Besides Pink Mist as referred to on the previous post, I will be getting these:

White Mist
Colored Karra
Pirates Queen

Gotta love me some BareRose

i MUST have this jacket!!!

Does ANYONE know who makes this jacket???

Image found on Second Look Studio ... really quite a lovely blog.

Farewell to Fall Victorian Carnival

Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 1pm SLT, The Victorian Ladies' Society will be hosting their "Farewell to Fall Victorian Carnival" at the Winterfell Taure En Lor dock.

Come play the duck hunt game, or venture into the burlesque tent. The tarot card reader can tell you your fortune, or dance the night away with someone you love.

Come one come all, if we have at least five people, I'm sure we would be willing to start a game of musical chairs!

IM Maiya Writer for more details or visit the Victorian Ladies' Society in world.

Morigion Conversion Is Complete

The OpenSpace sims of Winterfell Requiem, Winterfell Mithras and Winterfell Haven have been taken away to convert Winterfell Morigion into a full sim. Jace and his team are working feverishly to get the island back up and functioning, and I suspect that with the speed of Jaces whip... construction will be complete by the mid weekend.

I have been promised a grand reopening party to celebrate - keep your eye out for the invite.

The schedule for conversions are as follows:

Move Winterfell Libris to its new home east of Reverie

Convert Winterfell Sonnet, Winterfell Dark Sea and Winterfell Eventide into Winterfell Maldoror (full sim) and place it in its new home north of Morigion

Move Winterfell Harbor to its new home east of Sanctuary

Convert Winterfell Breakwater, Winterfell Eidolon and Winterfell Serenity into Winterfell Amaranthine (full sim) and place it in its new home north of Winterfell Laudanum

And finally move the remaining OS sims into place and figure out how to convert Winterfell Undertow into a full sim. I am short one OS. Do I let it just poof or do I pay for the extra OS to convert? And if I do convert, is there any demand for more Dark Victorian land?

*EDIT* I have taken the plunge and bought an OS sim off a friend who had an extra from his conversions. So that OS sim along with Winterfell Fathom and Winterfell Elysium will be used to convert Winterfell Undertow into Winterfell Anodyne.

Much Love,
Miss Serra

New Look (again)

Yes yes I know... I go through templates like no ones business...

But I figured with the upcoming Bloodlines project that my personal blog can't really be only about Winterfell, so a new look and title was in order... so back to my "head" companies name In Perpetua Designs

I hope it's not too disturbing to your delicate sensibilities.

New Project - Bloodlines Estates

On Sunday October 26th, literally the day before the new OpenSpace policy was announced by Linden Lab, I had finalized talks with Liquid Designs about creating and running their land development for The Thirst: Bloodlines.

The Thirst: Bloodlines is a complete vampire system and multi-player interactive role-playing game based in Second Life. It's based on the popular vampire system The Thirst that's been available in Second Life from Liquid Designs since the beginning of 2007.

I have known Mars Bracken for a few years though the Winterfell shops and have always admired his style and business sense. When he came to me for advice on land management I was more than happy to answer his questions. After a few hours of talking it became clear that the best option for Mars was to have someone run the Bloodlines land development for him. I offered my self up for that possible role, and after he talked to his business partner we had a deal!

My plan had been to get the ball rolling and order the land on the 27th, but we all know what happened Monday. So all my time has been trying to get Winterfell under control and figured out before I even gave myself the okay to start thinking about Bloodlines. As of yesterday all the service tickets have been placed with Linden Lab to get the Winterfell OS’s converted or moved to their new homes, so now I can start working on the new Bloodlines Estates!

The first Bloodlines Estates island (Bloodlines Sanguinus) will be located off the north coast of the island named Liquid Designs, and will be like Winterfell in the fact that there will be residential land as well as commercial land and a small boutique located at the TP hub. Theme will be medieval vampiric fantasy, and the covenant will be released soon.

I am very excited about this new project, I hope you all will come and celebrate its opening with me… when it gets here!

Much Love,
Miss Serra

I have so much to say and not a single word to say it with...

I feel like my face is forever stained with tears and this knot in my throat will never go away... but I am trying to get through this with my head held up and an optimistic outlook. I am clinging to the dream that is Winterfell, clinging to the dear and cherished friends I have made, many of which have found a permanent place in my heart.

But much like the end of my grandmother’s life, countless scary diagnosis and endless complications, there was the moment that we just had to face the facts, she was dieing and she was dieing soon.

Now I feel the same way about Second Life. Outright denial and blind optimism is replaced with quiet acceptance and determination to make the best the inevitable end. The final diagnosis has been given; Linden Lab will do as they please when they please how they please. Second Life has become cancerous, beauty is being taken over by greed and substandard management.

Winterfell will not be closing any time soon… but you see that speck on the horizon?

*points to that little dot gleaming on the sunset colored waters*

That is where we are going. I can’t see what or were it is yet and I know it will be a dark journey … but when we get there we will be greeted with a brand new sunrise. We will take a deep breath of fresh brand new air and close our hands around each others hands and begin again as a family with a single vision.

So in my sadness I know there is a future happiness… and I thank each and everyone of you for standing by me in this terrible time, sharing in both my heartbreak as well as my joy.

I love you all.
Miss Serra

*waits with bated breath*

I haven't posted in a w while... I am sure I will have a crap load to say after this next announcement by LL regarding the OpenSim issue... stay tuned.

Nip it in the bud!!!

A friend came to me asking advice about some drama happening to and around her in Second Life and in the process of talking about what was happening she said this to me:

“You know, I’m just a woman, just playing a computer game, trying to be creative and crack wise with my friends... I never meant for things to get so out of hand. People in RL would NEVER treat me the way I have been treated, and I would have no cause to sink to such low behavior.”

People forget there are other PEOPLE on the other side of the screen. Our sense of self is so exposed that we are super sensitive to any comment or action. Like a rubber ball, an action is shot out, bouncing off of someone getting fired back and forth, gathering up all the negativity and anger growing bigger and bigger until real damage is done.

“I never meant for things to get so out of hand”

I won’t pretend to be immune from this. Just yesterday I got an IM from someone that was condescending and I felt entitled to bark and defend my position so I lunged out and acted totally out of character and with venom. About 30 minutes later I stopped and though “damn! I am so out of line” So I responded again, with care and sensitivity… I apologized for my words, admitted I was wrong and agreed to correct the problem. I got another IM back apologizing as well for the tone of the original IM… we were both suffering from not remembering there is a person on the other side of the screen. This situation could have blown up to catastrophic proportions, but it didn’t because of communication and care.

Back to my friend asking for advice…

After a good bit of floundering for a few good words to give her I finally spat these out:

“Sometimes peace means you have to sacrifice yourself… lay it all out... admit mistakes... ask for forgiveness… and resolve to change... and stick to it”

Lay it all out: make your perceptions clear, share your feelings and explain your actions.

Admit to mistakes: apologize for anything you regret, such as your actions, words chosen and tone used.

Ask forgiveness: Seriously, ask for it, be accountable. It will make you feel better.

Resolve to change: Spell out how you want to change and what you intend to do to make things right to the other person; this will let them know you are serious.

STICK TO IT! Nothing will undermine your credibility more than not following through with what you say you will do.

And lastly:

Acceptance: We can not control how others will act or react. If you follow the above suggestions and you are still met with drama and spite… let it roll off your back, just let it go. You have done your part to make things better; you have made yourself accountable. If the other person wants to harbor venom and negative feelings towards you, let them. Treat every single person you meet with dignity and respect and you will be respected and treated with dignity.

If you are neck deep in drama it might take a while to see results, but it will happen, I promise.


Your result for What kind of cat are you quiz?...


54% Watcher, 47% Hunter, 38% Fighter, 57% Thinker, 56% Cuddler and 48% Mystery!

The world is a place to be considered and figured out. The people in the world provide great mysteries for you to puzzle through and figure out. You are not content to simply watch and wait, nor do you react suddenly, your actions are tempered with thought and understanding.

Take What kind of cat are you quiz? at HelloQuizzy


Another Test Thingie

Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...

INFP - the Healer

You scored 27% I to E, 37% N to S, 10% F to T, and 58% J to P!

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.

As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better.
Your group summary: idealists (NF)

Your type summary: INFP

Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test at HelloQuizzy

Lost and Found

I read Wildstars blog today and was over come with tears. He wrote of guardian angels:

there are moments when one feels lonely, sad, lost, miserable. there are these moments ... no way to avoid them

yet, if you looks carefully, these are the moments when you notice them most: they can look very different: rich and poor, wise and fools, nobles and commoners, princesses and clerics, humans and elfs, nekos and fairies, vampires and mermaids, shy and naughty

they act in very different ways: with a message or an email, a call or a smile, a comment, a pat on the shoulder or they offer their shouder. They do not let you sink, they force you on your feet, they make you talk, they make you vent, they make you come out of your hideouts, and doing so you are lost no more

I have so often felt lost and alone where all I wanted to do was crawl into a dark hole and never come out. I think we all have these moments in life, but then someone comes and offers your their hand to help you up out of that hole and reminds you that you are safe and loved and needed.

So I want to take a moment to thank my guardian angels, my friends and loved ones and sometimes even the occasional stranger. Thank you for all the times when you have helped me out of the shadows. I will never forget those moments of kindness and I will always be there with a hand, a shoulder and a firm word of encouragement for you as well.

I love you all.

Human news...

lost 5 pounds this week! YAY!!!

A new look ~

I have updated the style of my blog to match the Winterfell NING and and the official Winterfell Website...

You can check them out if you like.

Winterfell NING
Winterfell Website

The human is on a diet

My human started a diet on Sunday after she had a HUGE scare with her left foot... it just swelled up... no reason, no pain, no heat, no nothing other than swollen foot.

Good thing is that she finally decided to do something about her declining health and aging body... better late than never, right?

I am not so sure about that "Chaste and pure" part...

Your result for The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test...

The Lady

Chaste and pure, you are a good person. You try to help others and do your duty to your family. However, this duty involves you being sold off to a local noble house in order to cement relations between your families. But you know it's for a greater good, and besides you will retain all the comforts and glamour of your position regardless of if you're your father's or you husband's property.

Take The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test at HelloQuizzy

2008 Boobie Ball was a HUGE success!

Final count for the 2008 Boobie Ball :

$L247,903 after being matched by both Eva and myself that's $L743,709 or over $2,700 USD!! raised for breast cancer research!

This event was such a thrilling and rewarding event for Eva and myself, that we will be doing the Boobie Ball again next year as well as forming a "Saving Second Base" SL RFL team and sim.

So to that end, I have started up a group called "Saving Second Base" there is a 100L membership fee, but all money raised from membership fees will be donated to breast cancer research. Please consider joining the group to help us make these events as successful as they can be, or to simply show your support for this very important cause!

Humbly yours,
Miss Serra Anansi, Senecshelf of Winterfell and Her Grace, Eva, Duchess of Loch Avie


Adelyn Hansen
Adianna Price
Albemuth Dilweg
AliceWendy Bookmite
Annechen Lowey
Avariel Falcon
Ayuki Setsuko
Breezy Carver
Bryndal Ellison
Cat Lunasea
Ceidru Gothly
Charlene Trudeau
Cuznit Oh
Darlingmonster Ember
Delilah Nephilim
Desmond Magic
Dracona Lisle
Eiden Ember
Eleanor Anderton
Elrik Merlin
Eva Bellambi
Fallacy DeCuir
Fatima Ur
Fogwoman Gray
Gabrielle Riel
Galactic Baroque
Hotspur Otoole
Huff Huldschinsky
Hypatia Callisto
Illdoran Nightfire
Jameson Despres
Jenilicious DeCuir
Jia Janus
JJ Drinkwater
Kaffe McMahon
Kamilah Hauptmann
Kara Timtam
Katrina Pugilist
Kellan McKenna
Kiralette Kelley
KlausWulfenbach Outlander
LadyFire Sands
LeeLu Anatine
Lianndraa Gothly
Liz Gealach
Loki Mahana
Lumina Elvehjem
Marie Michel
Merry Calliope
Mickey James
Midnyte DeCuir
Misery Moonlight
Molly Montale
Muse Carmona
Mykyl Nordwind
Nerilka Quandry
Nicolae Adamski
Nix Sands
Nyre Gray
Oolon Sputnik
Otenth Paderborn
Phnx Mubble
Podruly Peccable
Pooky Amsterdam
Radslns Hutchence
Reghan Straaf
Rhianon Jameson
Riven Homewood
Saffia Widdershins
Samantha Poindexter
Serra Anansi
Siri Woodget
Southsea Rockett
Star Fairymeadow
Stefanik Dagostino
Subghoul Epsilon
Touma Yoshikawa
Verde Otaared
VictorianLace Goodliffe
Wildstar Beaumont
Yanik Lytton
Yasmine Alvord
Yezdia Miles

Seriously in love


Three events this Saturday in Taure En Lor

This Saturdays events in Winterfell!

First is the Practical Tarot group meeting
A group meets every Saturday at 8am SLT to discuss various Tarot related subjects.
Saturday September 27th 8am - 10am SLT
North East Corner of Taure En Lor - Red Tent

Second is the second installment of the "His Dark Materials" book discussion:
Winterfell Book Discussion - His Dark Materials - The Subtle Knife
Saturday September 27th 12pm - 2pm SLT
Winterfell Library

Finally is the monthly WinterDance:
Semi-formal WinterDance for the residents and friends of Winterfell
Saturday September 27th 2pm - 4pm SLT
Winterfell Taure En Lor Ballroom

Follow me where I go what I do and who I know

Hey there everyone!

There is a great new gadget for blogger... Following! I think it is pretty cool, and I'd follow you if you had it on your page...

Read here for more information

Much Love,
Miss Serra

Tonight in Taure En Lor

The Bards Gathering (Storytelling Night)
Thursday, September 25, 5pm – 7pm
Tauren En Lor, Winterfell 128,110,25

Join us under the stars of Taure En Lor every third Thursday of the month. Experience the magic; tell a tale, recite a poem, sing us a song or simply relax with friendly folks from all over the grid.

This month being the first month, the theme will be dreams. Day dreams, dreams come true or your worst nightmare…

Click here to be TPed directly to the event

Campfire Session with Serra

Starting October 5th, every other Sunday at 3pm SLT I will be hosting a Winterfell Campfire talk.

This is open to all of Winterfell residents, Winterfell Community, and anyone else that hears about it and wants to come.

This will be a town hall of sorts so bring any Winterfell related questions, concerns or ideas you have!

Mr Beaumont, Please wont you just leave me alone?

I received a note from Mr Beaumont today in my NING mailbox:

On September 19, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Wilberforce (Wil) Beaumont wrote:

I see no reason to carry on this issue. I suspect if we really think about it we both said and did things we would not in a calm world and without RL pressures and stress have said and done.

However what say been said and done is said and done. What we now need to do it put it to rights, do what needs to be done to make things right amd to get on with enjoying SL as a break, a release, a contac with the outside works.

So please Serra can we discuss a solution to this apparent impasse?


My Response:

Hello Mr Beaumont,

As I said in Second Life, you and I have nothing to discuss any longer. I see no impasse, I do know what I said and I stand by it. I am sorry you haven't been enjoying your time in Second Life, I am not sure what you expect me to do to change your experiences there, you and only you have control over that.

I am doing what I need to do to ensure that my time in Second Life is enjoyable, I asked you to please not contact me again. That includes here in the Winterfell NING, in Second Life by your alts, Email or through our mutual friends and acquaintances to contact me on your behalf. I don’t think it is fair to them and shows very little respect on your part for their relationship with them and my request to not be contacted by you.

I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.

Be well,
Miss Serra.

The reason for me not editing his name in this post is because he insists on contacting me after repeated requests to stop. I hope he will take heed now that he knows I will not be protecting his name. Mr Beaumont, PLEASE just leave me alone?

Top Ten Pickup Lines for the Lady Pirates on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept 19th)

10. What are YOU doing here?

9. Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye ... (this one is never completed)

8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!

7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?"

6. That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!

5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!"

4. I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

3. C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers!


...and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line:

1. You. Pants Off. Now!

Top Ten Pickup lines for use by the fellas on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept 19th)

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

... and the number one pickup line use by the fellas on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is:

1. Prepare to be boarded, YARRR.


Announcing the Boobie Ball to Benefit Breast Cancer Charities

Boobies. Breasts. TaTas.

They are called many things and although they come in all shapes and sizes (large, small, saggy and perky), they have one thing in common: The ability to develop cancer.

Even though there is no cure yet, the annual Blogger Boobie-Thon is doing its part to make cancer a thing of the past. As she has for the past 3 years, Her Grace of Loch Avie's human will take part in this event.

During the first week of October people from across the globe can submit pictures of bare and covered breasts to raise money for breast cancer causes.

Founded in 2002 by Florida blogger Robyn Pollman (,) the Boobie-Thon has grown into a well-known event, raising tens of thousands for breast cancer and blogger-charity causes, with over 1500 people contributing pictures. The Susan G. Koman Foundation has, in the past, been the largest recipient of the funds.

Both founders and participants are hoping to generate exposure and donations for a worthy cause.

Males and females can submit pictures of their breasts. The covered boobies are featured on the free area of the site. The price of viewing the bare breasts is $50.

Come join Eva Bellambi and me as we host the first ever Boobie Ball. This will be held in Winterfell at the Taure En Lor Ballroom on October 4th, noon to 2pm SLT. This is not a formal event. Please just come ready to have some fun and be generous with your Lindens.

Wear Pink if you like, and you may dance topless if you dare, in honor of the breasts and lives we are working to save.

There will be donation kiosks and vendors with items for sale. All proceeds will be donated to during their annual campaign. Miss Serra and Miss Eva will match all donations. So come see your donation to this worthy cause tripled.

Donations will be listed on the site as coming from Winterfell and Caledon's Boobie Ball.

Please contact Eva Ballambi or me if you have any questions.

Not your average steampunk...

... ever since a was a young elf, I have always had odd bits of antique furniture, sparkly trinkets, hand made furniture, strange chunks of metal, stacks and stacks of books around the house... not to mention the endless maze of work tables covered in numerous strange devices... all carefully labeled with "DONT TOUCH, this means YOU!"

So as a child of a hopeless tinkerer who never had the joy of learning about Steampunk (RIP daddy) I just HAD to take this test!

Ragamuffin? How fun! <3
39% Elegant, 17% Technological, 33% Historical, 44% Adventurous and 54% Playful!

Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Ragamuffin

What kind of Steampunk are you?

OMGOSH, I had no idea there was another test!!!

Test Who You Are in the Steampunk Ether City of Salmagundi ...

Rook and Spectre (the Cute, Fuzzy Animals)

Your result for Test Who You Are in the Steampunk Ether City of Salmagundi...

Rook and Spectre (the Cute, Fuzzy Animals)

You are Rook and Spectre, Chief Inspector Cerys’ two pet mousers (what foreigners might call “ferrets”). You are playful, fun loving, affectionate, and have little understanding of the horrors that lurk outside of your comfortable home. You enjoy small spaces, things with bells, chasing mice and insects, and having your belly rubbed. Perhaps your greatest contribution is reminding Cerys that there is more to life than solving ghastly crimes.

Intrigued? Learn more about G. D. Falksen's Salmagundi and the Cities of Ether here

Take Test Who You Are in the Steampunk Ether City of Salmagundi at HelloQuizzy


Hello all!

I would like to copy a post made by my dear friend Eds on her blog "Torrid Tales of a Compulsive Swooner"

I believe in the freedom of speech and realize to insure our freedoms we can't only give voice those who agree with us. That said, this morning I experienced a moment of pure frustration then the clouds lifted and I saw the light. I'm sure many others, use Second Life as a place of retreat, socializing, and expressing their creativity. I know sometimes when I log on, I am looking for a calm place to play away from real life drama.

Today was another one of those days, where I logged on and in one of my groups there were harsh words and drama. I am finding this to be occurring more often than ever before. The most simple solution would be to leave the group. Unfortunately that isn't always practical, such as when it is your land or community group. Instead of enjoying my morning, and dealing with my own RL dramas quietly and privately. I was treated to a drama.

That is when it dawned on me, while I didn't want to leave the group. I could MUTE the individual causing me stress. We can all chose what we want to hear, and what negativity we want in our lives. With mute I can banish it.

I am taking back my second life with the power of the MUTE. I encourage others to do the same. Why let it into your life? Make SL what you want it to be.

Thank you for the eloquent words my friend, I couldn't have said it any better... but I will add that I Wil not to be held hostage by the nut job in SL who is threatening me.

Just a small sample of the craziness of this man:

Serra Anansi: I have no intention of talking with you again about any issues of that day, it is over a week old and I have many time consuming commitments I need to take care of
Mr. W.B. : a simple yes /no wil answer
Mr. W.B. : did you or did you not say I am banned from Winterfell??? A simple yes /no will answer
Mr. W.B. : surely you hav etime to type Y or N
Mr. W.B. : or are you a coward
Mr. W.B. :not prepared to stand behind what you said
Mr. W.B. : well???
Mr. W.B. : I am sure Linden Labs wil be interestedMr. W.B. : I have checked
Mr. W.B. : do you want to lose it all???
Mr. W.B. : and if you as much as hint at my comments you have breached TOS and you and you company are done for, you have slandered my good name, that in (country removed to protect Mr. W.B.) is a crime
Mr. W.B. : an apology wil settle teh matter
Mr. W.B. : you have 24 hours
Mr. W.B. : or I serve documents on you C/- Linden Labs
Mr. W.B. : unless you want to talk this trrough
(Line removed do to the personal nature of the information given)
Mr. W.B. : and you discrediated ne in front of my peers
Mr. W.B. : that we disgracefull and un called for
Mr. W.B. : Serra
Mr. W.B. : afraid of the truth
Serra Anansi: Actually (name removed), as I told you, I have to get ready for work. I am in the process of doing so. I apologize if I didn’t make my self clear to you when we started

~end of chat~

I have not slandered or defame Mr. W.B. in any way. I think he is just mad that I called him out on his actions in a public forum where most people mostly just let him rant and rave with out any kind of reproductions. And to be honest, after he hurt a friend of mine and tricked me into refunding him over 87,oooL ($315USDwhich he had no right to according to the covenant he agreed to when he bought land in Winterfell) I just couldn't let him get away with his lies.

I have spent my 5 years in Second Life trying to create a world where all people are equal. I created Winterfell as a safe haven for the people who felt they didn’t have anywhere else to call home in Second Life. It is written in my Covenant that while I do not demand that you like your neighbors you do have to respect your neighbors. Discrimination is the first thing that will get you kicked out of Winterfell.

I have a long track record of tolerance and acceptance of people who have different outlooks, abilities, goals and desires in SL. But this man has made the life of my friends difficult, has actively fostered drama and discourse in the community groups I belong to and from what I am hearing from more and more people has been a difficult person to swallow on many occasions.

Because he can’t be removed him from SL or the groups I belong to, I will remove him from my personal SL experience. I ask that anyone who knows who I am talking about, stand up to him… don’t let him ruin your SL experience… voice your distaste for his actions and then mute him.

Much Love,
Miss Serra.

Calling all Photographers

I am looking for four photographs that show off the beauty and splendor of Winterfell to use in the header image above.

I will take entries through September 15th. Not only will I use the four that I like best, I will pay 1,oooL for each image, even if they are all from the same photographer!

Send me your 512x512 full mod images in SL - name the images with your name and the number of the image. Example: Joe Schmoe 1 of 3, Joe Schmoe 2 of 3, Joe Schmoe 3 of 3... you get the idea?

See you on the 13th!!
Miss Serra

13th Party!

I am so bad!!! I forgot the 13th was coming up... I really do need a babysiter!

I know it is short notice, but I do hope you can make it!!

September 13th, 6-8pm SLT, Taure En Lor - Grove of Dreams

My how time flys!!

After a month of planning and building and revising and biting my nails and swearing and cheering, tomorrow is the day I start moving the new Winterfell build down to the ground level. I decided to build it up at 650m to give myself time and privacy to really work out what I wanted the new area to look like. And not disrupt the venders or visitors, which I think I did despite my best intentions.

Starting tomorrow night at around 8pm SLT I will start returning the old shops, taking what I can of the build into my inventory and doing the first round of terraforming in preparation for the new build to be moved down.

I figure that will take about an hour to two hours (with the normal interruptions that SL and RL provide), after that I will cross my fingers and carefully lower the new building down into place and do another round of terraforming. It shouldn’t be too hard; I have it linked up into about 8 pieces… OH, maybe I will rezfoo it tonight!! Great idea Serra… LOL!!

If I can get the new build into a rezfoo tonight, the instillation shouldn’t take long at all, hour tops with the extra tweaking of the land. Then I will bring all the merchants shops down that I can and IM the ones I can’t or don’t have a new shop set up. Hopefully there are a good number of merchants online and I won’t have to get nasty about getting set up in time for the opening party on Saturday.

Then comes the art and furniture and then finally I will move down the trees and install the secret, which will take a good deal of terraforming, but hopefully if I do it right throughout the process of getting things down from 650, it wont be much work at all.

I will be doing things slowly and carefully, but I hope I am over estimating the time it will take to move everything down. I would like to spend the rest of the night and following morning shopping and building some more furniture… and setting up my own store. Yes, you read right! I will have a store in my own sim FINALLY! Took me long enough don’t you think?

Feel free to come and gawk at me while I do the move!

Much love and kisses!
Miss Serra

Live Poetry Reading in the Village

Threik Wilkinson in SL - Keith R. Ainsworth in RL - reads from his book of poetry The Courage of Intimacy. Life, death and the relationships we forge between: The Courage of Intimacy is a collection of modern poetry exploring the fundamental human need to connect with others.

3:30pm to 4:30pm SLT

So you own a private island…

... and you have the waterways which must be kept open to sailing, and you want some land to be open to wandering visitors, but you would like to keep them out of your private areas… visitors falling in love with the area for its beauty and charm and then hopefully wanting to move in, is what will keep Winterfell flourishing and vital.

How can you make it easy for visitors to know where they can and where they shouldn’t wander?


All islands should have parcel divide enabled, so you can do some snazzy land management to let visitors know where they are welcome to explore in a few easy steps:

Step one: Name your sim something neato like “Sea of Rosy Sunsets – Open for sailing” or what ever suits your fancy!

Step two: Cut a parcel around the land mass of your island and name it something like “Land of Hippo – Open to Public” or what ever is appropriate.

Step three: Cut a parcel around your home or just a section of your home and name it something like “Marshmallow Manor – Open by Invite Only” again, what ever suites you and your home.

Step four: This is for the people who really want to be left alone! You can then add a security syetem on the section of land you want to be fully private. I HIGHLY recommend you to use “Star Security“ It has a nice particle test system, so you can press a button and see spheres of particles to show you the height and width etc of area it will scan, boot range, etc. It is also low lag and the particle setup really helps you understand what you are protecting.

Security notes: I request that you only protect as much of your building and land as you need to be comfortable, and no higher than 30 meters high. Give AT LEAST 30 seconds of warning time, lag and other SL issues can delay visitor’s ability to comply with your security settings and boot them home and cause the hapless visitor to get a sour feeling about Winterfell. If you protect a specific room in your house, and it is a reasonable size area that you have given plenty of warning with the other land parcel names and settings, and if you are careful with the security radius settings, you do not need to offer people any warning time at all.

I hope this helps everyone, and I do hope I didn't add any confusion, but as always... respond here if you have concerns or comments.

Much Love
Miss Serra

Winterfell Village and Palace Reopening!

I finally gave into my itchy building finger and have started a rebuild of the village and palace in the heart of Winterfell. Because this its been eight whole months since I did any revamping and I feel this build is a bit more special than anything else I have done, I will be having a huge reopening party!

Music and entertainment provided by Gabrielle Riel of Radio Riel.

Prizes and trivia and other nonsense provided by little ol' me and my

Please stop by August 23rd 2pm - 4pm SLT and help me bless the new village and palace with good cheer!

I am so behind on my shopping... so behind on so many things!

While perusing my favorite designers blogs, I came across this dress by Hyasynth Tiramisu of Silent Sparrow. Oh la la!! I love the waist line!! I got the white one in the middle. Pretty!

Silent Sparrow was the very first time I ever found clothes in SL that made me say "OH YES!!! EXACTLY" Flair, style and grace... with a dash of whimsy and humor. If you have never been to the Silent Sparrow island, please do... you wont be disappointed.

Winterfell Thirteenth Party

Every thirteenth of the month I host a little meet and greet for the residents of Winterfell. In the past the time for the party was pretty much "when ever I want" but that makes it hard on people to plan on attending.

Being that most thirteenths will fall on a weekday and not a weekend, and I have limited hours on week nights, I have decided that the party will be at 6pm SLT on the thirteenths that fall on weekdays.

On the days that the thirteenth falls on a weekend, I will do everything in my power to have the party at a time when the residents who live in non north american time zones are more likely to be able to attend.

On the oh so groovy days that the thirteenth falls on a Friday, I will be sure to set up something super extra special!

And to commemorate my finally sitting down to figure out a set schedule for this event, I wrote a poem!! LOL, it's not very good... but I had fun writing it!

Much love,
Miss Serra

Back from the abyss

I have been gone for a while, but now I am back!

I will have a new release in a few days, stay tuned!