I have so much to say and not a single word to say it with...

I feel like my face is forever stained with tears and this knot in my throat will never go away... but I am trying to get through this with my head held up and an optimistic outlook. I am clinging to the dream that is Winterfell, clinging to the dear and cherished friends I have made, many of which have found a permanent place in my heart.

But much like the end of my grandmother’s life, countless scary diagnosis and endless complications, there was the moment that we just had to face the facts, she was dieing and she was dieing soon.

Now I feel the same way about Second Life. Outright denial and blind optimism is replaced with quiet acceptance and determination to make the best the inevitable end. The final diagnosis has been given; Linden Lab will do as they please when they please how they please. Second Life has become cancerous, beauty is being taken over by greed and substandard management.

Winterfell will not be closing any time soon… but you see that speck on the horizon?

*points to that little dot gleaming on the sunset colored waters*

That is where we are going. I can’t see what or were it is yet and I know it will be a dark journey … but when we get there we will be greeted with a brand new sunrise. We will take a deep breath of fresh brand new air and close our hands around each others hands and begin again as a family with a single vision.

So in my sadness I know there is a future happiness… and I thank each and everyone of you for standing by me in this terrible time, sharing in both my heartbreak as well as my joy.

I love you all.
Miss Serra


Michael Röhm said...


LL makes me sick.

Hypatia Callisto said...

*hugs Serra tight*

Eva Bellambi said...

*Cries with you*

Nothing will be the same. But... I look for the brightness there on the horizon as well.

Love you, too.

Camilla said...

You said:
"Now I feel the same way about Second Life. Outright denial and blind optimism is replaced with quiet acceptance and determination to make the best the inevitable end. The final diagnosis has been given; Linden Lab will do as they please when they please how they please. Second Life has become cancerous, beauty is being taken over by greed and substandard management."

I agree with you completely. When the final answer came from LL regarding the Openspaces (except it can't really be "final" since they STILL will not tell us what script limitations will be put in place for Openspaces and Homesteads), I took it as the death knell that it is. Second Life is done. It will limp along for awhile, but eventually will be replaced by a newer, better platform. Where is the Netscape Navigator these days? IE initially won, and even that didn't last. We moved to Firefox, and now to Chrome.

Linden Lab has slit their own throat on this one, by refusing to listen once again.

I do hope to run into you sometime at the home of one of our mutual Winterfell friends. I feel like I know you, because they talk about you so much!

Princess Ivory

Brigid Ashwood said...

I so agree Serra - your words perfectly captured what I have been feeling as well. I hope some other virtual world comes along to fill the SL "void" but I'm just not sure how optimistic I am any more as the relative timeliness of such an option.
